You Must Starve Unconditionally – Secrets of weight Loss by Age

You Must Starve Unconditionally – Secrets of weight Loss

You must starve unconditionally. Will you feel flattered as you get older? As aging progresses, weight loss metabolism slows down and fatigue from frequent meals, night shifts, and parenting tend to facilitate weight gain. But that does not mean you cannot have a thin waist and solid abs. According to the ‘Yahoo Beauty’ of the USA. UU., You can control your weight if you use different techniques for your age.


After thirty years of age, he begins to gain weight, and there is a desire to return to the body at twenty. You want to go back to the days when you were relatively fat, even if you eat enough. The younger you are, the better it will be for weight control from a physiological point of view. Fortunately, weight loss weight control affects lifestyles in addition to physiological factors. You can maintain a healthy weight by managing strategies that are appropriate for your age.

◆ 20 per week

20 is one of the main factors that interfere with the diet is alcohol. It is a good age to hang out with friends at night in college or in the nightlife. You must starve unconditionally  If you want to control your weight while drinking and socializing, you should choose a low-calorie drink.


Cocktails contain many sweet ingredients, such as soda, and are a type of alcohol that people who want to control should be careful. Beer also has fewer calories than normal beer. You should also decrease your alcohol consumption. The main cause of excessive alcohol consumption is the high speed of consumption. You can also drink water while you drink to keep your blood alcohol level high.

◆ pregnant women in their 30s

the elasticity of the muscles and skin begins to lose weight at 30 years. In the 30s, muscle mass is reduced by 3-8% every 10 years. Pregnancy, paternity, work stress and time pressure can further interfere with weight control.


Women, in particular, lose weight when they are pregnant and tend to gain weight above the recommended level. If you had a normal weight before pregnancy, you should check that it does not vaporize more than 15㎏. In addition, overweight people of 6 ~ 11㎏, obese people should be careful not to gain weight more than 5 ~ 9㎏.

You must starve unconditionally ... "Secrets" of weight loss by age

You do not need to increase your daily calorie intake by more than 340 calories in mid-pregnancy. In addition, upon entering the late pregnancy it is only necessary to eat 450 additional calories. There is no need to increase the number of excess meals.

◆ menopausal age 40

even if you are not a voracious person, the age scales will continue to increase. This is because of the levels of progesterone and estrogen increase, which are hormones associated with menopause. You must starve unconditionally Therefore, it is time to pay more attention to calorie consumption and exercise.


A lean protein-based diet will help build muscle, so you should concentrate on eating vegetables and other healthy foods, including leafy vegetables.


How To Lose Weight In Winter

The metabolism that fell sharply is compensated by movement. Only 15 minutes after each meal, you can see the effect. According to an earlier study, people who did two things instead of diet or exercise only had a clear drop in blood fat levels.

◆ The average age of 50 years

Upon entering this age group, the metabolism slows rapidly and fat in the abdomen. If so, do you have any news? Not eating involuntarily is not the answer. Reduce your calorie intake, but you don’t need to eat less. Eat foods high in water and low in calories to feel satisfied.


After sunset, snacks should be minimized. When eating is as important as what you eat. According to a recent study published in the journal Obesity, dinner consumes fewer calories than breakfast. “The generation of heat in the diet,” which is a measure of calorie intake, is reduced by half.

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