Health status of female faces 6

Health status of female faces 6

Health status of female faces 6. Health status As people get older, symptoms of aging develop. Women, especially during menopause, are accompanied by hot flashes, fatigue, anxiety, depression, memory impairment, and sleep disorders.


However, there are symptoms caused by nutrient deficiency, as well as the symptoms of aging. Health status of female faces 6 Among them, Daily Mail introduced the symptoms that appear on women’s faces and foods that are good to eat.


Wrinkles’ eyes can be a vitamin B2 deficiency can cause. The health status of females faces 6 Lack of vitamin B2 affects the eyes and skin, causing the skin to crack. Foods rich in vitamin B2 include cheese, almonds, and eggs.


◆ Cracks in the lips

Lack of vitamin B6 can cause cracks or crevices in the lips. Vitamin B6 plays an important role in the creation of elastic skin. Foods rich in B6 include potatoes and cereals fortified with additional nutrients.

Health status of female faces 6

◆ Red skin

 lack of zinc can redden the skin. Zinc deficiency can also cause acne. Zinc is abundant in yogurt, beef, and chickpeas.


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◆ Dry skin 

a skin when vitamin A is not enough to be dry. Vitamin A, also called retinol, plays an important role in making the skin elastic and young. Rich in sweet potatoes, cheese and liver.


◆ Dandruff

Dandruff increases when biotin ore is missing. Biotin plays an important role in keeping hair, nails, and skin healthy. Biotin-rich foods include eggs, whole grains, and milk.


◆ Thinning hair

These symptoms can occur when there is a lack of biotin and vitamin C. Citrus fruits, such as tangerines, oranges, and lemons can help you eat many of these ingredients.

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