How To Maintain Your Beauty

How To Maintain Your Beauty

How to maintain your beauty. It’s 1:30 in the morning. I’m lying awake in bed and all I want to do is eat. It would attack the fridge in an instant, but it is deliberately empty. You see, my winter weight is still being recorded on the scale, and Memorial Day has just passed.

My six-pack is a mere memory. This is a 911 situation. A rapid change in eating habits will be needed to lose the extra pounds. Time is of the essence. Summer only lasts three months. How to maintain your beauty It is hard, boring, and requires incredible self-discipline to lose weight quickly and not recover it.

On the contrary, a beauty maintenance routine for the whole summer is not that difficult. I’m not saying it’s a cake ride, but it’s easier and less painful than dreaming of food in the middle of the night. The maintenance of beauty and cleanliness is obvious: it requires little or no effort.

Your hair may look more beautiful in the summer or it may look like a burned disaster. Be sure to always treat your hair according to your lifestyle. If you are a beach bunny or a girl outdoors, How to maintain your beauty you will need to spend more time and effort to keep your hair in the best conditions.

If you prefer indoor activities, maintaining beautiful hair throughout the summer is easy. It only takes some common sense.

• Summer moisture is the number one enemy of hair that tends to curl. Keratin treatments are the final solution to this problem. Keratin treatments will give you the silky hair you always wanted without removing your natural body.

Your frizzy hair will be nothing but a bad memory. A keratin treatment will last all summer. What could be better than letting your hair air dry and looking silky smooth? Leaving your hairdryer at home for a weekend is no longer just a fantasy.

• If you are an outdoor girl, summer sun, ocean water, and chlorine wreak havoc on your hair. These elements conspire to make your hair dry and brittle and you will have to give it special care. Occasionally, use a clarifying shampoo, which will remove all excess chemical accumulation. Condition your hair after each shampoo, whether you use a clarification shampoo or not.

Maintain Your Beauty

How to maintain your beauty

Los efectos básicos de un acondicionador, incluso uno intenso, solo duran hasta su próximo champú. Si tu cabello está bien, aplica acondicionador solo en las puntas. Esto evitará que tu cabello se vea pesado o grasoso. De vez en cuando lava tu cabello con un acondicionador.

Esto ayudará a evitar que se seque. Use protector solar, sí, en su cabello, siempre que sea posible. En este punto, los protectores solares para el cabello tienen el equivalente de aproximadamente SPF 6 en un protector solar para la piel, por lo que no evitarán totalmente el daño solar de su cabello, pero aún así es mejor que nada.


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• Mi lema para el cabello de verano 2010 Cualquier peinado elaborado o uno con cada cabello en su lugar se ve mal. El cabello debe soplar con la brisa y volver a caer en su lugar. Si llevas el cabello congelado en tu lugar, tu estilo está completamente equivocado. La única persona que podría considerar esto como una posible opción es alguien que ha sufrido una pérdida de cabello severa.

• Keep hair color changes minimal. Even the weakest sun can wreak havoc with the slightest color. The most subtle moments in June may seem blond to Lady GaGa in August (although it would not be the end of the world if this happened). You can always dim it in the fall. Who knows? You could find out if blondes have more fun!

Well, it’s 10:00 pm the next night. This is the hour of danger. The only food left in the house should be for breakfast: coffee, milk, and some sugar-free cereals. Buy tomorrow for the next day. In this way, you will eliminate any temptation that may call you at night. Now go to bed. Nothing makes you look better than being well-rested. By the way, don’t forget to condition your hair in the morning. Bonne Nuit!

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