How To Lose Belly Fat at Home

How To Lose Belly Fat at Home

How To Lose Belly Fat at Hom. Belly fat is not only attractive but also the main cause of multiple metabolic diseases. Metabolic syndrome is not a single disease, but multiple metabolic risk factors such as abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and dyslipidemia appear in one person at the same time. The metabolic syndrome should be measured from the waist circumference. Your fasting blood pressure and blood tests should look for HDL cholesterol levels, known as fasting glucose, triglycerides, and good cholesterol.


The common denominator is abdominal obesity. Catching your belly can improve other diseases. Abdominal obesity measured by waist circumference is more than 90 cm for men and 85 cm for women. Waist circumference should be measured without exerting pressure on the middle part of the ribs and the upper part of the pelvic bone with the exhaled breath.


Metabolic syndrome is common in people who are overweight or obese. As obesity worsens, the risk may increase, How to lose so weight control is an important treatment. Seoul Asan Hospital said: “Reducing abdominal fat can also improve other risk factors.” “The increase in abdominal fat is worsening blood pressure, diabetes, and dyslipidemia. It did


Metabolic syndrome is a hereditary factor, but it is often caused by bad lifestyles. That’s why you need to change your habits, such as diet, exercise, sobriety and quitting smoking. If you are obese, try to lose weight in order to achieve a 5-10% weight loss for 6-12 months. If it weighs 80 kg, only 5 kg, a 5% reduction, it is very effective.

Lose Belly Fat at Home

How to lose belly fat at home


To lose weight, try to reduce your daily intake by approximately 500-800 kcal of your current intake. However, avoid fasting and fasting, and eat regularly. After fasting or fasting, the yoyo phenomenon is always followed. Limit the consumption of animal fats and simple sugars, and encourage the consumption of vegetables and seaweed. It is also a good idea to eat fresh foods to control blood pressure. If you control your weight by eating alone, it can cause nutritional imbalances.


How To Lose Weight In Winter

Exercise is very important in the management of the metabolic syndrome. Exercise can improve metabolic problems, regardless of weight. If exercise does not lose weight, you should check if your meals are too much for your workout. On the other hand, if you exercise too much compared to eating, your muscles may increase, so you must assess body composition accurately.


Types of exercise include aerobic exercise, walking, biking, stationary cycling, and swimming. A little short of breath, about 30-60 minutes a day, 3-5 times a week is good. If you are overweight, avoid high impact exercises, such as jumping ropes or running, to avoid forcing your joints. If you cannot do it all at once due to time constraints, it is better to divide it several times.


Exercise should adapt to your health and fitness, and older people should be careful to damage the musculoskeletal system. If you cannot exercise separately, it is good to increase the amount of activity in your life. Find your own path, such as using public transportation instead of cars and stairs instead of elevators.

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